What's Going On At Shepherds' Conference This Year???!!!
Dispy or Amill The Line Has Been Drawn
Is this a debate or are the lines in the sand being drawn? After the first general session at the Shepherds' Conference I was wondering how wise it was that I paid $300.00 to come here.
Then I read fide-o and got really depressed. Thanks Jason your are always such a good source of encouragement!
I have to say, I was taken aback by what I heard and I was shocked at what Dr. MacArthur had to say. I will tell you this, Dr. Macarthur’s ministry has been very encouraging for me and I look forward to attending his conference next year.
Never the less, I cannot tell you how disappointed I was when Dr. MacArthur gave his “speech” and the apparent attitude he had toward Amillers. His argument compared Amillers to Theistic Evolutionists saying that we change our hermeneutic. His point was that Amillers don’t interpret Scripture literally and Dispensationalists do. I have one question then how do Dispensationalists interpret Matthew 16:28?
28 Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
A regular literal meaning of this passage would say that either most of the Disciples are still alive or the kingdom is here. Dispensationalism as described cannot be true. The kingdom is here!
But the real core of this issue is how we are going to define Israel and the promises made to Israel?
I don’t believe that Dr. MacArthur got it right but I will wait for his session tonight to see how he ties this all up.
More to follow……
Lord, change the pastors of MVC of anything that is NOT of You. Lord, give them discernment, clarity of mind, soundness. Make them humble yet courageous where need be in expressing Your truths bathed with humility.
May they be teachable always abounding in the truths of Your Word. Please give them eyes to see as You would have them see, ears to hear, and hands to do Your most perfect will.
May they use their time wisely, always ready and discerning. May You connect them with sound, holy servants called by You to end that they would reflect Your Son’s image.
Thank you, Lord for protecting them as they all travel to and fro and watching over their families at home. Thank you for giving them discerning hearts and minds. Thank you for what you are going to teach them at the Conference and for the “good” soil it will be planted in.
Bring them back full of Your joy, embracing sound doctrine, reflecting your love for the congregation You have put them in authority over, and give them a double portion – this all to Your glory.
In Jesus Name! Amen and Amen!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007 – 7:22 a.m.
Thank you, Chris, for the kind words, and I thank the one who prayed for us too.
It was a great time of fellowship and even though we don't agree, MacArthur’s speech did cause a lot of good conversation and I’m looking forward to next year! Calvin said that the best theologian is only right at best 80% of the time. I will chalk this up to MacArthur’s 20% and see him next year!!!
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