Saturday, July 21, 2007

Signs of the Apostate! - Des Moines

While reading the newspaper I saw an ad for a local church that caught my eye. Upon reading the ad I could not believe their statements - it was truly unbelievable. They have what they call a "New Church Model". They actually do have the nerve to call themselves Christian, while touting there are many ways to God. Actually there are two - one leads to hell, the other to heaven. Apparently their denominational ties are to American Baptist.

Here is their "New Church Model":

Wellspring Community Church is committed to learning how to engage a gospel that calls us to prayer with openness, to act on behalf of social justice and to speak on behalf of those who cannot speak in our world, If you are looking for a place to explore your spirituality, where questions are honored and answers are open for conversation then Wellspring may be worth a visit to you.

Following are some distinctives that make Wellspring Community Church a new church model:

There is no building program; our by-laws state we will not own real estate. We choose to put our resources of time and money, not into maintaining a building, but into action. We meet in a nice rented space. By renting we can expand or contract as needed.

We are a church without walls. For us this means we desire to create a community that is fluid. We meet on Sunday mornings to worship but do not have regular mid-week programs. The function of worship is to share our stories, renew our hope and vision for life and then to live into our understanding of faith in the community at large.

We foster a global perspective of our world. We sponsor a refugee family from Afghanistan. We support several community ministries, which include serving meals at Children and Family Urban Ministries and an after school program for Adolescent girls called the WILD Girls. Several members are actively involved in community service projects and tutoring.

Spiritual formation is regarded as both an individual and community think individually within the context of a diverse community encourages a spirituality that is neither self-centered nor devoid of self.

We are an inclusive community, which means that everyone is invited into the circle to share and engage in the conversation of the community. We work to honor diversity in the words we use, the manner in which we worship, and the songs we sing. Being a Christian community, we see Christ’s teaching of love and compassion as our guideline. As Christ saw the holy in each of us we honor each person’s story: from children through adult.

For some other apostate, heretical statements from this "church" click here.

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