Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Get the Inside Scoop on the New ESV Study Bible

Be among the first to visit the new ESV Study Bible website—just launched today—and learn about the ESV Study Bible’s features, contributors, pre-order discounts, and more:



Come Fail Away said...

You saw that too. It's beautiful! I want a hard cover for study and the single column that was released a month or so ago for regular use.

Justice said...

Yep - while Ilove my ESV Reformation study bible I think this may give it a run for the money. Or at least usage. =)

Come Fail Away said...

I have the Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible (NIV) and that one uses single columns. I fell in love with that format and have been waiting for single columns in the ESV for some time.

I am seriously psyched about this.