Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Artic Edge

I have to be honest I am not that thrilled with a lot of the literature that LifeWay comes out with these days. I am a fan of people in the church opening up the Bible and studying the Word of God on their own and not from a piece of literature written by a human-being. I am surprised at the amount of money that most churches spend in a year through Lifeway. I think that this money could be used in a much better way for the Kingdom of God. Talk about spending big bucks on literature.

On a positive note, I do like this year's Vacation Bible School, "Artic Edge." Since Lifeway has gone to the DVD's the last couple of years it has really helped and the children really seem to enjoy them. From what I see the kids enjoy seeing and learning the actions to the songs. I really think the guy leading the songs looks like Rick Warren in his younger years. Could it be possible that this was done on purpose or is it just coincidence? We will probably never know the answer to that one!

I would recommend the VBS literature that Lifeway is offering each summer. It seems to be Christ-honoring and a children-friendly approach to learning the Bible with daily theme emphasis. The kids seem to really relate to what they are doing for Vacation Bible School.

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