Friday, September 15, 2006

Recover Doctrine of Discernment

Many Southern Baptists have lost the ability to discern God's truth, and a failure to recover the doctrine of discernment will have disastrous consequences for the Kingdom of God, said Mac Brunson, senior pastor of First Baptist Church Jacksonville, Fla., during the Sept. 12 chapel service at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

"We have lost this ability to discern, and it is destroying the church," said Brunson, who pastored First Baptist Church Dallas, Texas, since 1999 before succeeding Jerry Vines in Jacksonville earlier this year.

"I worry about our denomination. I feel like if there is not a radical turn, we are going to be like Sherman standing on banks of the Chautauqua looking at the smoke from South Carolina when we look at our denomination in the years ahead—if we don't begin to use some godly discernment."

Preaching from 1 Thessalonians 5, Brunson gave three reasons why many believers have lost the ability to discern.

For full article click here.

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